Adawehi Awareness Classes

with Russell Woods

Are you feeling a need for some kind of change in your life? Have your past attempts at personal transformation seemed temporary? Adawehi Awareness Classes may be your answer.

The classes increase your awareness of the qualities that make up who you are. They point out what parts of your life no longer fit, plus they offer tools to make the necessary changes.

When the flow of good in life gets blocked by habitual patterns of expression, that no longer match who you have become, it is time to make personal growth a priority. Patterns of expression are not your identity. Patterns of expression are simply vehicles for expressing qualities (such as Kindness, Honesty, Trust, Courage, etc.) that make up your unique spirit. Therefore, as you mature, adjustments must be made or happiness will become more and more elusive.

If your car needs repair, it gets immediate attention. But when your life needs repair it oftentimes gets put on a back-burner. If this is happening to you, then it may be time for you to restructure your priorities around personal growth.

Adawehi Awareness Classes have a track record. They have been changing lives for over 20 years. They work! So if you are ready for some newness in your life, step with us into awareness. 

Russell teaches by presenting material that will stimulate you to — look at yourself and your life with new eyes.

He engages you in exercises that help in this clarifying process and then he pulls it together with a summary and a meditation. Classes are small so sharing feels easy and supportive.

Classes are held over a three month period (Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr, Jun-Aug), meeting two times a month for  1½ hours. They meet on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 2:00pm at the Adawehi Healing Center.

For help in restoring the flow in your life, call Russell Woods at (828) 894-0124 ext. 2 or if you prefer, send him an email. He will answer any questions about the classes and enroll you in the next series.

Russell Woods, LMBT