Community Exploration
Adawehi offers the opportunity to explore the magic of community through warm, welcoming, on-site experiences designed to empower unity, celebrating who you are as one facet of the whole. Contact us for help in designing a visit to help you claim more of who you are while considering Adawehi as your new home. These create the doorway to the next miraculous phase of your life.
The process begins with an introductory virtual call for an overview of community living, to answer initial questions, and together decide on the next steps. Then, you might consider any one or a combination of the following:
- A one-day visit
- Participation in a weekend workshop
- B&B visit (open to your preference)
- Exploratory and immersive sessions (average 3 months in a host house)
What to Expect
- Tour the campus, meet community members, and spiritual growth teachers.
- Amp up your spiritual growth through classes.
- Gain insights for more healthy living.
- Participate in service activities, e.g. land care, gardening, etc.
- Participate in community events, e.g. pancake breakfast.
- Invitation to meditate with the host house.
- Invitation to hang out with residents at other houses to get to know the community.
Please note that we are unable to accommodate pets in the community homes, and smoking, vaping, substance use, and consumption of alcohol are not permitted.
Living at Adawehi
We are often asked about what it’s like to live in an intentional community like Adawehi.
Our most frequently asked questions and answers follow. Click on each question to see our response. Enjoy!
What types of living arrangements/spaces are offered?
We offer both single-family and community living options. The 10 single-family homes at Adawehi offer privacy with the opportunity for neighborly interaction. They are located atop 25 acres of woodlands adjacent to the Adawehi main campus. Folks living in the single-family homes are welcome to participate in all offerings at Adawehi such as community events, team projects, wellness classes, meditations, etc.
If you are interested in expanding your community experience, we have 10 large shared homes at Adawehi. Each home is on 10 acres and has from 5-9 private bedrooms/office areas with a shared kitchen and gathering space. You’ll find there is a nice balance of privacy and community opportunities in each home.
We currently have openings. Please inquire via our contact form or call 828-290-7523 if you are interested!
Are there community gatherings on a regular basis?
Community gatherings are an integral part of Adawehi. We begin each month with a Pancake Breakfast where you can enjoy gluten-free pancakes and organic fruit and get to know your neighbors. We continue the month with Game Night, Movie Night, and a Community Dinner. The focus of each event is to come together around a shared intent, such as Play for Game Night and Family for Movie Night. We do this to expand our experience of shared intents as we connect with each other. Community can also be experienced through our many wellness classes, as well as a weekly sacred meditation. Feel free to invite your friends and family to any Adawehi community gathering!
We also gather two weekends per month for 1/2 day to care for the land, buildings, gardens and greenhouses of our 125-acre campus. This enables all of us to not only maintain the beauty and stewardship of the community we love, but also experience a bigger space of synergy as we all focus on a “heart-energy (intent) of the day” that will guide our tasks and interactions.
You can view Adawehi Community Events here.
How do members contribute time to the Community?
Each community member at Adawehi chooses on what teams they want to participate, and how often they want to participate. Some teams, such as our Cleaning Team, are responsible for certain events during the year or have a weekly cleaning task for buildings on the campus. Teams such as the Land Care team are seasonal, with summer full of mowing, and less time needed during winter months. Our Greenhouse Team works year ‘round sharing the watering and harvesting tasks. We have several artisans who create jewelry, knitting, journals and cards on an as-needed basis to sell in our gift stores. There are many different types of work needed to keep our large community going and there is a place for everyone to express their gifts.
How does one join the Community?
At Adawehi, we appreciate and receive all levels of joining and involvement. You can decide how much you want to join and let us know your intentions or desires to participate. Anything from choosing to come to some community events, to becoming a resident in a community house are all accepted as joining Community. Joining is an expanding and fluid concept in our community and there is always room to grow. If you’d like to explore participation options at Adawehi, please fill out our contact form. We welcome your interest in Adawehi!
What is expected of new Community members?
Our hope is that new community members come with a desire to contribute as an invitation rather than an expectation. We hope that each person comes with an open heart to sense how they would like to share and receive in Community.
Do people from the local area participate at Adawehi?
People from the surrounding areas participate in many ways at Adawehi! Some shop at Beneficial Foods Organic Grocery on a weekly basis (or sometimes daily!). We have many people who walk the trails with their partners or dogs for healthy exercise. Some people join our workout facility or enjoy community events and weekly yoga and tai chi classes. Others visit our holistic healers. People in the area who feel drawn to care for the Adawehi land participate in our Community Work Weekends.
Are there paying jobs available?
The community does not offer paying jobs. However, we are located in a prime location for job possibilities. Asheville, Greenville, Spartanburg and Hendersonville have vibrant economies full of employment options. This area has a very low unemployment rate and skilled employees are sought after. Though we are in a rural area, the high-speed internet infrastructure at Adawehi would enable you to work remotely easily if necessary. Our community members are employed in various industries throughout the larger community and are always happy to support a new member in finding employment.
Are finances shared?
Finances are not shared at Adawehi. Residents of single-family homes are responsible for their rental agreements and utilities. Residents living in community housing are each responsible for their personal rental agreements. Rental agreements will sometimes include utilities. However, each community house decides how they will share the utility bills.
Are you open to the public?
Yes! Adawehi is open to the public. The Adawehi Healing Center and our main Conference Building are open during normal business hours. Beneficial Foods Organic Grocery is open until 8pm weeknights and 6pm on Saturdays. Our walking trails, labyrinth and outdoor pavilion are also open to the public and accessible during daylight hours. We ask for privacy for our residential homes.
What is it that makes the Adawehi Community a success for 25 years?
At Adawehi, we believe we are better together. Our commitment to each other, as well as the unfailing leadership and vision from our director Jackie Woods, has allowed us to create a remarkable and beautiful community that promotes healthy relationships and a healthy planet. We are finding that our health practices and community ideals that were once considered outside the norm, are now becoming mainstream as people wake up to the idea that we need each other to make our lives the best possible and to help the planet in the most productive way.
Is there a prescribed spiritual practice that residents adhere to?
You will find community members from all religious backgrounds at Adawehi. Striving to lead heart-centered lives is the one spiritual commonality everyone practices.
What is the average age of residents?
Adawehi Community is 25 years old, and our founding residents have obviously aged through this time. Residents range in age from 4 to 85, with close to half of our members being 60+. Every generation is represented and respected at Adawehi, and we all learn and benefit from interacting together. We are open to all ages and family groupings from 0 to 60, all cultural ethnicities and religions, and all gender identities.
What is the minimum rental period?
This would be defined at the time of your rental arrangement.
Can I buy all of my groceries at the Beneficial Foods Organic Grocery?
Beneficial Foods offers everything you would find at a normal grocery store, only better because it is literally steps from your home! We offer a full range of gluten-free foods, organic and local produce, earth-friendly cleaning products, natural health and beauty products and so much more. You can shop for all of your daily needs right on campus, in a beautiful store where everyone is happy to see you! What could be better than that? Learn more about Beneficial Foods.
What are the surrounding towns like?
Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina offer a lot of local flavor, fun events and opportunities to interact with the beautiful natural area.
Here are a few links to begin exploring…